How Long To Wait For Sex After Yeast Infection Treatment?
If you’re looking for answers about yeast infections, you’ve come to the right place! A yeast infection is a common condition that affects women of all ages. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans (a type of fungus) in the vagina.
When this happens, the balance between good and bad bacteria gets thrown off and results in symptoms such as vaginal itching or discharge (often with a cottage cheese-like appearance), burning sensation when urinating, pain during sex or urination, discomfort sitting down due to swelling around the vulva area, and more.
The good news is there are many ways to treat these nasty things — both at home and through professional treatment with prescription medications or other options such as natural remedies like yogurt; probiotics; tea tree oil; vinegar douches; boric acid suppositories inserted into your vagina along with some other things listed below under “preventing recurrent infections”— but before we get into all that fun stuff let’s talk about what causes them first!

What Is A Yeast Infection?
A yeast infection is caused by a fungus called candida. Candida lives on the skin and in the vagina, where it normally causes no problems. However, if you have a weakened immune system or take antibiotics that kill off good bacteria, it can overgrow and cause an infection.
The good news is that yeast infections aren’t sexually transmitted and they aren’t usually serious—but they can be painful and uncomfortable! If you think you might have one, see your doctor right away so they can help diagnose it and treat it properly.
What are the symptoms of a yeast infection?
You’ll probably have some symptoms of a yeast infection if you:
- Feel itching, irritation, redness, swelling and soreness. These are the most common symptoms of vaginal yeast infections.
- Have pain when urinating or having sex.
- Have a vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese — this could be white or yellowish and have an odor. (Your vagina usually has a slight scent.)
How long does a yeast infection last?
A yeast infection can last for up to two weeks and will typically go away in about a week, but it can take longer. You should see your doctor if you have symptoms that last more than one week or if they don’t go away at all after treatment with over-the-counter medication like Monistat or Gyno-Daktarin.
Can you get more than one yeast infection in your life?
You can get more than one yeast infection in your life, but not because of sex. It’s actually quite the opposite: sex can make a yeast infection worse, and it’s generally thought that women who have frequent yeast infections are predisposed to them due to their vaginas being more prone to yeast overgrowth.
A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans. This fungus normally lives in your body’s digestive tract, but it also colonizes on the skin if you’re not careful about washing your hands and taking care of yourself overall—this includes keeping your vagina clean too! When you have a certain amount of Candida albicans in your system (the natural flora), everything stays balanced and healthy; however, when there’s more than usual growth happening down there (or anywhere else), this can cause irritation that leads to uncomfortable symptoms like vaginal itching or burning pain with urination/sex.
Why do you get yeast infections?
You might be wondering why you get yeast infections in the first place. Well, they’re caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albicans. Yeast infections can be caused by a number of factors, including antibiotics, pregnancy and diabetes. The vagina is basically a warm and moist environment that’s ideal for yeast growth—especially after you’ve taken antibiotics that kill off some of your good bacteria (or if it already wasn’t there).
While we’re on the topic of vaginal health: did you know that some women experience pain during sex? That’s because not all bacteria are created equal; when things get out of whack in the vaginal ecosystem (i.e., there are too many bad guys), it can cause inflammation down there—and inflammation equals pain!
How long after treating a yeast infection can I have sex again?
If you’re using an over-the-counter yeast infection treatment, you should wait at least 24 hours after completing the full course of treatment before having sex again. It’s best to wait a few days if you’re still experiencing symptoms. If you are still experiencing symptoms after three days, see your doctor to determine whether another round of medication is necessary.
Why shouldn’t I have sex during my treatment for a yeast infection?
There are several reasons why you shouldn’t have sex during your treatment for a yeast infection. The risk of reinfection is just one of them.
- Sex can spread the yeast infection. Yeast infections are quite contagious, so you want to avoid passing it on to others if possible. If your partner is not infected with yeast, he or she could still get an infection from having sex with someone who has one (especially if they don’t use condoms).
- The risk of getting a yeast infection may increase during sexual activity. The friction created by sexual activity can irritate the skin in the vagina, which makes it easier for a woman to develop this type of infection. Also consider that some people are more likely than others to develop this type of problem after having unprotected sex: women who have recently given birth and men who use condoms less frequently than once every two weeks are at higher risk than most people are when they engage in intercourse without protection.
- There is contact between mucous membranes inside various body parts—something which happens frequently when engaging in intercourse without protection from infections or diseases. Those who engage frequently in non monogamous sex enough over long periods will inevitably eventually develop an STD.
Is having sex with a yeast infection painful?
Yeast infections can be painful. Some women report no pain during sex, but others report that it’s extremely painful to the point of being unbearable. (It should go without saying that any pain during sex is abnormal and warrants a doctor’s visit.) The amount of discomfort you experience during intercourse depends on how much discharge you have and how much itching, burning and/or irritation you experience. If there is a lot of discharge from your vagina, if you are experiencing significant itching in your genital area or if there is redness around the vaginal opening, then these symptoms are more likely to cause pain during sexual intercourse.
What can cause recurrent yeast infections and what are some ways to prevent it from reoccurring after sex?
If you have frequent yeast infections, you can help prevent them by taking the following steps:
- Eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid alcohol, sugar and refined carbohydrates.
- Practice good hygiene. This includes regular bathing or showering with a mild soap.
- Changing your undergarments daily and not wearing damp clothes for long periods of time (this creates a warm environment in which the fungus will thrive).
- Take probiotics regularly if prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist; these are available at most pharmacies without prescription under brand names like Culturelle or Florastor.

A woman should not have vaginal intercourse during a yeast infection.
The treatment for yeast infections is often simple and straightforward, but you should not have vaginal intercourse during the treatment. Sex can make symptoms worse by increasing irritation and causing the infection to spread to your partner’s genitals.
If you have a yeast infection, you will likely be advised to abstain from vaginal intercourse until your symptoms disappear. If you’re interested in having sexual intercourse at any point after a yeast infection has cleared up, it’s important that both partners get tested first so that they don’t transmit the infection back and forth.
This is not a fun topic, but it’s a very important one! When it comes to dealing with yeast infections, there are plenty of things that can cause them and prolong the duration of an infection. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is to avoid these triggers as much as possible. If you feel like something isn’t right during sex or afterwards, don’t hesitate to talk with your doctor about what might be going on down there!
Medically Reviewed by Julie Hutchinson, MD on September 29, 2022
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Author: Esther Jordan
Esther Jordan has been a writer ever since she can remember. She has always loved the free gift of self-expression through journaling, creating stories, and sharing life experiences in front of audiences. Public speaking and creating content has been a strong suit of hers since high school. Immediately after college, she received a paid position as an search engine optimization (SEO) writer in 2010 when SEO was still a very brick and mortar concept for a lot of small businesses. It was a time of do-it-yourself websites and online magic that everyone wanted and either referred to it as SEO or pay-per-click (PPC).