Testing for STDs: No Swabs, Just Urine or Blood Samples
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections are common, especially among young people between ages 15 and 24, who account for a quarter of the US population who has sex, but this age group makes up half of all STD cases in America. Many of these individuals do not know what STD testing entails or that they can get tested for STDs by providing a small urine or blood sample. Blood and urine STD tests are just as accurate as swabs, so many people are turning to STDCheck.com for STD testing. All of our STD tests can be performed via urine or blood sample. In fact, most STD tests take only a few minutes to complete.
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STD testing services
The fastest results possbile - available in 1 to 2 days
Many people become infected with STDs because they simply do not know how to prevent and avoid contracting them. Did you know that some STDs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, can remain in the body for weeks, months and even years without showing symptoms? You can pass it along to your partner without ever realizing you have the infection yourself. That is why it is important to get tested for STDs even if you are not showing any symptoms.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all sexually active young adults (ages 15-24) get tested at least once a year for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Regardless of age, if you are sexually active, it is important that you get tested for STDs on a regular basis.
Testing for STDs Using Urine or Blood Samples
While there is a misconception that getting tested for STDs is an extensive and uncomfortable process, the tests done at most CLIA-certified testing centers are both simple and non-invasive. To test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, for instance, all that is required is a urine sample. For other STDs– like herpes, hepatitis, HIV and syphilis, a small blood sample is all the STD testing center requires. Many doctors’ offices will test for STDs by doing an invasive (and sometimes painful) swab– we do not! Swabbing is unnecessary in today’s medical world.
Our same-day STD testing centers have simplified STD testing and only require about five minutes to complete the tests. Once you order your tests online (no appointment is needed), then visit your local testing center, you will receive your results in 1-2 days.
One of the biggest issues with testing for STDs is deciding which test is right for you. The truth is that in most instances if you are positive for one STD, you may have contracted other infections as well since the behavior that puts you at risk for one sexually transmitted infection puts you at risk for all sexually transmitted infection. For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea are known as “twin infections” because they tend to occur together, so it is best to test for both at the same time.
STDcheck.com has also simplified the decision by allowing you to easily test for a broad spectrum of STDs through our 10-Panel test. This STD panel tests for 10 of the most common STDs including chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, gonorrhea, HIV-1, HIV-2, oral herpes and genital herpes. The 10-test panel takes the guesswork out of STD testing.
Test For STDs Today
We test for STDs using simple urine or blood samples, and the tests take only a few minutes to complete. Call 1(800)456-2323 or visit us online to begin your STD testing to know for sure if you are STD-free.
Medically Reviewed by Kaci Durbin, MD, MBA, FACOG on November 17, 2023
Secure and Confidential
STD testing services
The fastest results possbile - available in 1 to 2 days

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Author: Nick Corlis
Nick Corlis is a writer, marketer, and designer. He graduated from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, with a degree in Digital Communications. Nick is proud to be able to help eliminate the stigma of STD testing through his writing and is always trying to advocate the importance of your sexual health. Before STDcheck, his favorite way to develop his writing skills was by accepting various writing jobs in college and maintaining multiple blogs. Nick wears many hats here at STDcheck, but specifically enjoys writing accurate, well-researched content that is not only informative and relatable but sometimes also contains memes. When not writing, Nick likes to race cars and go-karts, eat Japanese food, and play games on his computer.