STDs & Swimsuits: The Risk of Wearing Before Washing
Ah, Summer. As thoughts of sunshine, pool time, and vacations on sandy white beaches enter our minds, another thought comes with it: swimsuits.
Should I wash this before wearing it? Can I get an STD from a new swimsuit?
Soon dressing rooms will flood with women trying on swimsuits to see which ones hide and accentuate the right body parts, and chances are, you’ll be a part of that flock. Eventually, you’ll buy one and await the perfect moment for you to reveal yourself in your brand new bikini. But, before you do, you hear a tiny voice in the back of your head asking, “Should I wash this before wearing it? Can I get an STD from a new swimsuit?”
You quickly rationalize it away by telling yourself “It’s new! It’s clean! It’s never been worn!” But is it? And if it isn’t, is there anything lurking in it that could potentially taint your taint?
If you’ve heard that voice before, hopefully, you listened to it. There are quite a few STDs you can get from new swimsuits, and you may be surprised to learn how they got there. But don’t worry! We’ve got the tips to help you stay infection free this swimsuit season.
The STD Swimsuit Myth
You try on a swimsuit; you think it’s safe. But, some bugs can linger in them, like pubic lice or even hepatitis B! These critters might survive days without someone to call home. Surfaces touched by fluids from an infected person could carry the virus for a week. Always wear your own underwear when trying out swim gear to keep these germs away. Even with liners that come inside new suits, they’re not much help, really. Washing hands and clothes post-trial is smart too, it beats picking up something nasty. Remember: STD risks are low here but why chance it? Stay clear of trouble; get checked often.
Easily Transferable STIs from swimsuits
The following STIs can be easily transmitted to a new host from an infected swimsuit.
Trichomoniasis, or “trich,” is an infection caused by a protozoan called Trichomonas Vaginalis. It can pass from vaginal discharge and can attach to surfaces, especially clothing and other fibrous materials. This parasite is anaerobic, meaning it doesn’t need oxygen for growth, and it can live outside of the body for up to several hours. Imagine this little guy living in your new swimsuit bottoms before the first time you wear them.
Pubic Lice
Pubic lice, or crabs, are small parasitic lice that generally live in the pubic hair. They can spread after an infected person comes in close contact with fabric such as towels, bed linens, or swimsuits. Crabs may not be the first STD that comes to mind as some news outlets have claimed that they’re on their way to extinction. However, that’s not the case. In recent years, incidences of pubic lice have declined, but these little buggers are not completely eradicated with sources estimating that up to 10 percent of the population still lives with the parasites.
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection caused by a virus. It’s characterized by lesions (small raised bumps). These lesions can range in size from a pinhead to a pencil eraser. The virus spreads through direct contact between an infected person and a non-infected person, or when an infected person comes into direct contact with clothing, fabric, or even some surfaces.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the vagina. Any introduction of bad bacteria into the vaginal region may throw off the already delicate ecosystem. BV thrives in synthetic fibers, like swimsuit material, and it can be hard to wash out. Researchers still debate on exactly how BV can and cannot spread, but since it’s the most common vaginal infection for women aged 15-44, it’s easy to see how this one got on the list.
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Urinary tract infections occur when bad bacteria, typically E.Coli which occurs naturally around the anus region, enter into the urethra. Researchers have found multiple instances of fecal matter on new swimsuits. That’s an easy way to introduce E. Coli and other contaminants where they don’t need to be.
Want to learn more about UTIs? Check out our sister site:
Possibly Transferable STIs from Swimwear
These STIs are considered possibly transferable because there are multiple variables that need to occur in order for them to be contracted.
However, if you did contract them, it would most likely happen in the dressing room.
Hepatitis A
Hep A, a virus caused by ingestion of fecal matter, has been found on new swimsuits. After trying on swimsuits, which can be a taxing endeavor, have you ever gone straight to the food court and skipped washing your hands? If your answer is yes, you’ve put yourself at risk of contracting Hepatitis A.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a virus found in bodily secretions, and it can infect a new host when he or she comes into close contact with fomites. According to the CDC, Hep B can live on fomites for up to seven days; even dry secretions such as dried blood may still contain the live virus. Introducing that virus into your system would take nothing more than you and your new swimsuit getting up close and personal.
Hepatitis C
Hep C is a bloodborne pathogen, and according to the CDC, it can live outside the body for up to three weeks. Transmission occurs if your skin is exposed to the blood of a Hep C carrier. For examples, if a carrier bleeds on a swimsuit, then you try it on exposing your skin to the virus. The chances of this happening are slim but definitely worth noting.
Ocular Chlamydia
That’s right: ocular chlamydia or chlamydia in the eye. Chlamydia can’t survive outside the body for long. Even if you were to come into contact with a contaminated chlamydia fomite, it would need to infect suitable body tissue such as the cervix, urethra, or eye cornea. It’s unlikely that chlamydia would survive long enough away from its host to infect your nether regions (although, it is technically possible); it’s much more likely for you to touch an infected fomite and then mindlessly rub your eye. This would have to happen while the bacteria is still live, and, again, it can’t live outside the body for more than a few hours. But according to the World Health Organization, fomites can definitely contribute to the spread of ocular chlamydia.
Swimwear and Bacteria Transfer
When you try on swimsuits, think about this: they may have germs from many people before you. A study found that all types of new clothes can carry bacteria, but swimwear often has more because it touches intimate areas. It’s not just how clean the store looks; even fancy places have these issues if customers try things on.
Smaller suits might mean more risk, ladies sometimes take off their own stuff to get a true fit and ignore those liner strips thinking they’re safe, but they’re not as protective as one might hope. Washing your hands and washing your new swimsuit vital for safety!
Risks of Sharing Swimwear
Sharing swimwear is a bad idea. Because the fabric holds moisture close to your body. This wetness can lead to infections fast, like yeast or urinary ones.
Health experts say: dry off and change out of that swimsuit quick! But if you borrow one from a friend who didn’t do this, it’s risky. You don’t know for sure they’ve kept clean habits.
Even tiny bits of bacteria on their suit could harm you – not worth it at all. Think about buying new instead; playing safe beats regretting later! Never mix up bathing suits with others’, especially kids’.
Children are often messy, germs spread easy among them! Remember: no matter what, avoid sharing swim gear when possible.
Protecting Yourself at the Pool
When you go to the pool, keep safe. If your stomach felt bad in the last day, don’t swim. Parents should make sure their kids’ diapers are clean often, every half hour to an hour is best.
Change them far from where people swim and always wash up after. If a kid has an accident in the water, tell someone who works there right away so they can clean it well for everyone’s sake. You might not worry about pee in pools; it won’t hurt you much since it doesn’t really carry germs and gets weak fast in all that water.
Experts are still unsure if human papillomavirus can be spread through fomites; some say that it can be passed through prolonged exposure to contaminated clothing while others say that is untrue. Unfortunately, with this under investigation, it’s best to keep it in mind and remain aware that contraction could be possible.
How Do Swimsuits Get Infected?
Swimsuits can become infected with germs and diseases in a multitude of ways, but from our research, there were a couple of main places where infections happen, and you may not be taking the precautions you need to, to keep yourself protected.
Dressing Rooms
The most obvious reason is that these “unworn” swimsuits have come into direct contact with women who carry infections. This primarily happens because many women remove their underwear when trying on swimsuits. Why are women so steadfast on ignoring all of the signs pleading with them to keep their underwear on while in the dressing room? There are a few mentalities that lend a hand to the unhygienic practice:
Hard to Picture
The first reason why women take off their underwear in the dressing is that they want to see exactly what they’ll look like when they’re donning the swimsuit in the future. It’s hard to picture what you’ll look like on the white sands of Turks and Caicos in your thong bikini if your old granny panties are sagging underneath it.
Diffusion of Responsibility
The second biggest reason is that women experience a diffusion of responsibility when in the dressing room. You see the sign that asks you to leave your underwear on, and you believe that all other women have followed the sign, therefore, you don’t have to.
You are not novel in this thought; countless other women have had this same thought and have done the exact same thing. This line of thinking leaves you and anyone else who has this belief to become vulnerable (and possibly contribute) to the spread of infections.
Hygienic Liner
The third reason is a deep-seated faith and belief in the sanctity of the hygienic liner. The idea is that this small plastic linter will protect you from the garment, as well as protect the garment from you. It’s a win-win! However, confidence that a liner will protect anyone from anything is completely false. It’d be much more hygienic to offer each woman her own hygienic liner as she enters the dressing room because placing your bare vagina onto something that’s seen other women’s bare vaginas is anything but hygienic.
False Belief of Cleanliness
We found the final reason that women take off their underwear in the dressing room is that they believe they are clean. Many infections may not show any signs or symptoms, so you believe that you won’t pass along any germs. Additionally, you have great faith in your body’s immune system and its ability to fight off any infections it encounters. This mentality is the most arrogant and inconsiderate of all. Just because you may have faith in your body’s immune system doesn’t mean that others’ bodies will be able to do the same. Remember that every body different, and your body won’t be the only body in that swimwear.
At Home
So let’s say you heed our warnings and decide to keep your underwear on while trying on swimsuits; that’s great! Now you’re ready to pop off that hygienic liner and hit the pool, right?
Wrong. Just because you’ve survived trying it on doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet. Here are a few more items to take into consideration:
Just because it’s new to you doesn’t mean it’s new. Thinking that you’re the first one to wear anything is a big assumption; who’s to say that this swimwear wasn’t previously purchased and returned? Stores don’t typically have a “No Returns” policy for swimwear or underwear — as long as the tag is included, you’re free to return. Be sure to look up your store’s return policy to know if your new swimwear could be pre-owned.
Hygienic Liners
As stated before, an intact hygienic liner isn’t as hygienic as you might think. Additionally, what organisms lie beneath the liner? According to a study done by Dr. Philip Tierno, Clinical Professor of Microbiology and Pathology at NYU Langone Health, quite a few. After hygienic liners were removed, there was still an astounding amount of bacteria found on the actual lining of the swimsuit. And there are so many other factors to take into account: Does your swimwear even have a hygienic liner? How long has the liner been on there? Who’s to say someone didn’t remove the liner when trying on the swimwear, then replaced it once they finished trying it on? These liners are mainly for show, and they shouldn’t grant you any peace of mind about the cleanliness of your new swimsuit.
Purchasing Online
Suppose you decide to bypass the dressing room drama and buy from an online retailer; that’s fantastic! Here are some things to keep in mind:
Dyes and Materials
Cotton, which is typically woven into Spandex and other swimsuit materials, is sprayed with synthetic pesticides to keep pests at bay. And Spandex itself is made up of thousands of chemicals. Clothes may also be treated with agents and fungicides to keep them looking nice. Additionally, these swimsuits may sit in warehouses for months or even years. In an effort to keep them fresh, they may be sprayed with anti-pesticide, anti-mold, or anti-fungal spray. All of these substances may contribute to an overgrowth of bacteria (causing BV), rashes, or general vaginitis.
Again, who’s to say that this item hasn’t been returned? Just because it’s in a new package, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s new. Maybe the previous owner just tried it on (probably without underwear) and returned it. Or maybe the previous owner wore it out, decided they didn’t like it, then returned it without washing it? The point is you don’t know; be sure that you take the necessary precautions.
Swimwear STD Infection Prevention
There are many risk factors that contribute to your capability to get an infection from a new swimsuit, but prevention is easy!
Keep Your Underwear On
When trying on a swimsuit, the best way to keep yourself free of any spread of diseases is to keep your underwear on. Yes, you’d think with the amount of signage in any given retail store about leaving underwear on, women would heed the warning. But, as you’ve read, the message tends to fall on deaf ears. But just because they don’t listen doesn’t mean you can’t! It’s a simple solution, and it can protect you from becoming host to a wide array of foreign substances.
Wash It
After you’ve bought your perfect swimwear and before you take it for a spin, let it take its own spin in the washing machine. Just a quick wash will allow you to stay infection free, and it will give you peace of mind after reading this daunting blog post. If it seems too easy to be true, it’s not. Washing your swimsuit in hot water is really effective in killing off any germs that may be lurking in your new garment. For added protection, throw in some color-safe bleach. In addition, wash your hands after handling new swimsuits! There are a lot of diseases you can prevent if you just keep your hands clean!
Don’t Return Dirty Undergarments
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It’s a shame to even have to list this, but if you purchase a swimsuit, wear it, and decide it’s not for you be sure to wash it before returning it, then let the retailer know it was worn. It’s common courtesy, and a way to keep whatever you’ve got to yourself.
Medically Reviewed by J. Frank Martin JR., MD on October 17, 2023
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Author: STD Check Editorial Team
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