Can You Be A Surrogate With Herpes?
The desire to be a surrogate mother is a selfless act of compassion and requires thorough medical and psychological screening before being selected to go through the journey. While surrogate mothers are strictly vetted for eligibility, one of the significant concerns is the possibility of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to the intended parents and babies. Herpes is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted viral infections globally, with over 20% of the US population infected with genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) 2 infections.
The good news is that having herpes does not necessarily disqualify you from becoming a surrogate mother. However, intended parents often prefer surrogates without sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to avoid the potential risk of infecting them and prevent unwanted complications during pregnancy. Therefore, in some instances, surrogates with herpes may have longer waiting times to match with intended parents. Additionally, specific measures and protocols should be followed to minimize potential risks.
Being a surrogate with herpes can be manageable as long as the condition is carefully monitored and adequately controlled. Surrogates with herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 or HSV-2 can help prevent the spread of the virus to the baby and the intended parents by following a few essential steps. One option is to take antiviral medication, such as Acyclovir or Valtrex, before and throughout pregnancy. In this way, the surrogate’s herpes virus is less likely to be active, thus lowering the chances of transmission to the baby. Surrogates with herpes must also undergo frequent and rigorous screening throughout the pregnancy period to ensure their condition is managed appropriately.
However, other STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, may not be as lenient for becoming a surrogate. For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea do not necessarily disqualify you from being a surrogate. Still, the infections may cause inflammation of the uterus or fallopian tubes, which could lead to infertility, late-term pregnancy complications, or spontaneous abortions. Similarly, untreated syphilis during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or serious fetal health problems. Since surrogacy is a complicated process that requires medical attention at each step, surrogates with STIs could face even more risk than other women experience during their pregnancies.
Before being selected as a surrogate, the intended parents will work closely with a fertility specialist to set specific criteria to ensure that the surrogate mother meets their needs. The requirements may include medical and psychological screenings, a complete health history, and tests for testing STIs. A surrogate must be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy to carry and manage a pregnancy to full term. Due to the risk of STI transmission, some intended parents may opt for IVF rather than traditional surrogacy to remove the risk factor.

Can You Be A Surrogate If You Have Herpes?
In conclusion, surrogates with herpes can still provide the gift of parenthood to intended parents as long as the virus is appropriately monitored and managed in conjunction with other preventive measures. However, while each surrogacy journey is unique, having other STIs may be more challenging and pose a higher risk to the baby and intended parents. Therefore, consider your options carefully and consult a physician’s opinion before becoming a surrogate mother.
So can you be a surrogate with herpes or other STDs? Yes. We can help you get tested for STDs if you aren’t sure about your sexual health status.
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Author: STD Check Editorial Team
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