We protect your privacy by following all federal and local privacy rules, including the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Our discreet STD testing in Arizona offers rapid results in 1-2 days. When you test with STDcheck.com you, you can rest assured that nothing goes on your medical records. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with your testing experience. We offer conveniently located STD testing in your area. A physician oversees every step of the screening process for your safety, from the sample to the result. With over 4,000 STD testing locations nationwide, we have many locations in Arizona. Our doctors are able to prescribe medication if necessary. Reviews and testimonials from real customers are available for you to read. Testing for STDs with us does not require you to make any doctor’s appointment. If you are not an adult and want to get tested for STDs, you can use our website without parental consent. When you arrive at one of our STD testing centers, there are no embarrassing questions to answer and no additional paperwork to complete. We maintain a weekly blog, Exposed, that offers the freshest information about STIs and topics. If you are not familiar with testing or diseases, our STD basics will help teach you about common STDs. To maintain our pledge to keep your information confidential, charges show up on your financial statement as “ANALYTE HEALTH”. Check out our online STD test recommendation tool to find out what may be the best testing options for you.

Arizona Sexually Transmitted Disease Data

In Arizona, sexually transmitted diseases are spreading fast. The only way to protect yourself against STDs is to get frequent STD testing in Arizona. The federal government, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Arizona department of health warn that STDs and infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, oral herpes, genital herpes, hepatitis A, B and C, and syphilis are rising.

  • 9,098 cases of chlamydia were reported among 10-19 year-olds in 2011
  • Arizona ranks above the national average for STD infections.
  • 85,000 Arizonans infected with hepatitis C will be infected for life.
  • Hispanics make up 25.4% of all new HIV cases in 2011
  • 75% of new gonorrhea infections were among people under the age of 30 in 2011

All walks of life are in danger of contracting STDs in Arizona. It is estimated that half of all people in Arizona will get an STD at some point. Condoms and dental dams will offer protection against some, but not all, STDs. There is no single test that can detect every STD. It is not unusual for people with STDs to show no symptoms. STDs are a major threat to the current and long-term health of the citizens of Arizona.