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STD Panel: Order Full Test Panel for 10 Common STDs

Full Panel STD Test

Most sexually transmitted diseases do not show symptoms, making it possible to be infected with an STD and not know it. Did you know that if you have one STD, you may have multiple STDs?

We are the only online STD testing service that offers an inclusive 10 Test STD Panel to screen for the most common bacterial and viral STDs, such as HIV type 1 & type 2 antibody/antigen (4th gen), Herpes type 1 & type 2, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis.

Comprehensive testing gives you peace of mind. Get our full 10 Test Panel package today and learn your STD status!

Our HIV RNA Early Detection test is the only FDA-approved test that detects the virus directly by screening for its RNA genetic material in your bloodstream, as such this HIV test is able to deliver conclusive results as soon as 9 to 11 days after potential HIV exposure.

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10 Test Panel
Testing Process

5 Minute

Testing process

Sample Required

Small Urine and Blood Sample


Ready in 1-2 days

Doctor Consultation

Over the phone, if results are positive

What Is Included In A Full STD Panel

Do you use blood or urine to test for chlamydia?

Our labs conduct this chlamydia test using a urine sample to check for Chlamydia in the genitourinary system (the organs of the genital (reproductive) and urinary tract). When you arrive at the testing center you will only need to provide a urine sample. There is no swabbing or undressing necessary.

What do I need to do to prepare for the test?

Please abstain from urinating for at least an hour prior to taking your chlamydia test. Otherwise, no other preparation is required.

When is the right time to test for chlamydia?

If you are concerned about a possible chlamydia infection, the ideal time to get tested is a minimum of 1-5 days after exposure. In other words, wait at least 24 hours after possible exposure before you take the test. Individuals who have been treated for chlamydia should test again 21 to 28 days after treatment to ensure that the bacterium has cleared.

What will the test results say?

If your results are negative, then no signs of chlamydia are present in your genitourinary system (the organs of the genital (reproductive) and urinary tract). A positive result means chlamydia was found in your genitourinary system. It is possible to test too early after being exposed to chlamydia infection. Our doctors recommend waiting 1-5 days for reliable results.

Can chlamydia be cured or treated?

Yes, chlamydia is curable and can be treated with antibiotics. If necessary, our doctors will provide consultation over the phone and, at their discretion, can prescribe antibiotics to be picked up at a nearby pharmacy.

Who needs chlamydia testing?

Men and women alike are susceptible to contracting chlamydia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are nearly 3 million new chlamydia infections annually in the United States. Two of the main reasons for this trend is that chlamydia comes with no symptoms and it spreads easily. Therefore, the best way to ensure your sexual health is to get tested. In particular, the CDC recommends chlamydia testing for all sexually active women 25 years old or younger. You should also consider chlamydia testing if you have had unprotected sex with a partner whose STD status you do not know or are uncertain about.

When Is The Best Time To Test For STDs?

The best time to test for sexually transmitted diseases is now.

The best way to test is with our comprehensive 10-Test Panel that checks for all of the most common STDs.

Most STDs are "silent" and do not show symptoms. You can have an STD and unknowingly transmit it to others.

If you suspect you have contracted an STD through unprotected sexual contact, sharing drug injection equipment, or by coming in contact with infected blood, it is important that you get tested as soon as possible to avoid any health complications.

For answers to your questions about our 10-Test Panel,
call our Care Advisors at 1-800-456-2323.

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Medically Reviewed by on April 10, 2023

Our Service Includes:

FDA-approved / cleared tests performed in CLIA-certified labs

Same labs trusted by physicians and hospitals in your area

Fast results in 1-2 days

Sent to your email as soon as they are available

Physician consultation available

If your test result is positive, you can speak with one of our doctors

Care Advisors available 24/7 at 1-800-456-2323

Our trained Care Advisors are available over the phone or online to answer your questions

Local testing centers in your area

With our 4500 testing centers nationwide, your sample collection is easy and convenient

Your health information is kept private

We care about your privacy and all of your health information is protected

Photo of doctor

What do I do if I test Positive for an STD?

If one or more of your test results are positive, you can schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors. During this consultation, one of our doctors will explain what your test results mean, answer any questions you might have, and can prescribe treatment at his or her discretion.

We are here for you. Call us at 1-800-456-2323
Sample Test Results
Overall Patient Rating


Based on 5,222 Reviews | Read Reviews

Very quick and easy. I went to the lab the same day and was in and out in 5 minutes. I received my results in 24 hours.

10 Test Panel

No Long Delays - Testing usually takes a few minutes and your results are available within 1-2 days.

No Surprises - No hidden fees, no extra charges.

Sample Test Results

  • HIV Type 1
  • HIV Type 2
  • Herpes 1
  • Herpes 2
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis

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